For more than 42 years, Filtra-Systems has designed, engineered, and manufactured industrial liquid and solid separation and filtration products.
Many of these filter housing designs will easily fit into your new or existing piping layouts.
These housing are easily configurable during the application investigation process by including media selection, safety, piping, gauge or instrument options.
Download our Bag Filter Brochure Here
Our engineering and technical services team is ready to custom fit these vessels into your existing piping. Providing you new upgraded or automated options for a successful rework or rebuild of your project.
Almost all filter housings are in-stock and ready to ship.
And, Bag Filter Housing RENTALS are available. Many clients fit them into their operating budget saving them capital investments.
Call or email and ask about the many rental and delivery options.
We’re here and ready to help you find the perfect industrial bag filter system that meets all your goals and requirements.
What questions do you have for us?
Simply call us, 248-919-6119, you'll get answers to your questions, no-obligation and if you want, you’ll also get a free bag filter housing or filter bag media quote.

Click the links below to find these specific items:
Liquid Filtration Housings
Filter Bag Media
Pall – FSI Filter Bag Replacements
Bag Filter Accessories
If you don't see what you are looking for or you're not sure what will work best for your application, give us a call at 248-919-6119 and we'll help you get what your need for your specific application and facility.